But no more.
This week, I'm starting a gift closet! I laughed at the thought before, calling it unnecessary and for packrats. But somehow my day shrunk when I had my second baby and there is never enough time for a stop to get a gift before that birthday dinner or group gathering.
Here is what's going to be coming out of the closet:
Japanese quince candle - never met someone who did not delight in receiving one of these. Recipient will think you have fantastic taste!
Seda france hand soap: a little less expensive than the candle, but still a great luxury for that special person.
Luggage tags: who does not need a new one? Tepper Jackson ones are my favorite, and I love to tie on a note that says "I'd be lost without a friend like you!" love to mail these, too.
Lollia petite treat hand cremes: so compact and easy to store/deliver, but so often appreciated.
Festive foam or frost flex cups are always a great gift for the hostess, too.
Of course Fresh Ink is my go to spot 99% of the time, but I have found some delightful items in the most unexpected places, too:
Wal-mart: I can not live without the $2.00 square glass salad bowls in their housewares section. Add a spice packet for someone to make a quick dip.
Montgomery Hardware: I got the cutest tiny collander there, it's lime green, and a very handy kitchen helper.
Who knows what else will find it's way into the closet? I guess you need to invite us over for dinner to find out.

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